LCL Freight

I am fascinated by the the complexity and nuances of the movement of LCL freight on railroads before trucks took over most of the business. In the archives of the NKPHTS we have several documents that the NKP put together to assist shippers and employees with the movement of freight,

The first document is a more efficient plan for shipping LCL from Cleveland Ohio to points on the NKP . The document states, “The information contained in this circular is intended as a guide to shippers with a plan for acceptance and forwarding of less than carload shipments on certain days of each week, termed “shipping days” at stations designated..

Cleveland LCL went to metropolises like Buffalo NY and small towns like Dunfee In. For further reading check out the document here.

The second document is from 1956. The scan is a little beat up, but the information is interesting. The document “Schedule of Merchandise cars and service operated by and in connection with the Nickel Plate Road”

Origin and destination points of LCL cars are shown as well as frequency of service and arrival date. The document can be found here.

Thanks for stopping by.

Brian J Carlson, P.E., NKPHTS Collections Management Director